Qur'an Research

“Nothing will rectify this nation at the end, other than what rectified it at the beginning….. What on that day is not Deen/ Accountability would not be Deen/ Accountability today.”

This statement, made by Imam Malik Ibn Anas (93–179 AH/ 711–795 CE), sums up what those who have faith in God and in the Qur’an should be focusing on: Accountability. Only by a self-critique that looks up to the pure, flawless Deen/ Accountability Standard highlighted in the Qur’an and exemplified by its Messenger peace upon him, can we rectify our standards and restore Eman/ Faith and Trust, and Shukr/ Appreciative Productivity, as distinguishing characteristics related to Muslims. Rectification can start -with immediate personal results- once we understand and begin implementing the first Divine command: ‘Iqra!’ Backed by decades of study -with teachers and in solitude- poring over countless renowned exegeses and the earliest Arabic lexicons, this awakening is what Randa’s labor of love is all about.

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How the Qur'an Blog Began

We inspire each other.
One woman’s passion lit the way for me to pursue mine!

December 2009, I was watching the movie ‘Julie and Julia’ and knew exactly how both women felt. Julie was passionate about what she called ‘the Bible’ of cookbooks, ‘Mastering the Art of French Cooking,’ the labor of love written by Julia Child. Decades apart, their passion drove them both to accomplish their dreams in pursuit of the same goal.

I was inspired.

My own lifelong quest called out to me!

My passion about the Qur’an needed no igniting, but these two women’s daring into foreign territory now emboldened me to dare!

I had never done anything online. I didn’t know what ‘blogging’ was, but I was gifted the understanding that a resolute woman could accomplish something grand. What would be grander than showcasing my passion, THE Book of all books, studying it at a deeper level and sharing my studies with the world?

I decided I’d do what Julie did. I’d work on -and then share as a blog- all the experience gained from studying two pages daily, finishing it in a year as she did.
And that’s how the ‘blog’ started, but: Planning and execution are two different things!

It took me three, demanding, and disciplining years to complete the entire Qur’an, comparing the exegeses of Yusuf Ali and Muhammad Asad and adding linguistic details from renowned Arabic sources. Nevertheless, the one-year plan worked out very well for Readers who found themselves completing a year-long Qur’an study by spending only 30 minutes a day, reading two pages of the Qur’an from the blog.

After first appearing as ‘iqrathechallenge,’ the Qur’an Blog later became part of my website.

Now, 10 years after finishing it, I am revising it, LIVE.

Dear Friends: This is the opportunity of a lifetime: Do join us at the iqraprinciple website!

Qur'an Blog

Beginnings in Qur'an Research